RailLexic online (RLO) is UIC’s term bank and the leading reference in the field of multilingual rail terminology.
It presents up to 12,000 railway concepts with equivalent terms in the following 24 languages: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese (not yet complete), Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
The concepts are classified into 105 railway-specific subject fields and are annotated with grammatical information. Some also feature definitions, notes and other useful indications, such as a source or a geographical preference.
RailLexic online is updated by the UIC Terminology Group and available online as a yearly subscription via the ETF shop.
NB: UIC Members benefit from a significant discount.
Terminology at UIC
The UIC Terminology Group strives to provide the railway sector with accurate, equivalent terms in as many languages as possible. For experts should focus on the technicalities of the projects and not struggle with language barriers.
The UIC Members are warmly invited to mandate a representative in the working group to ensure that their language is regularly updated in the RailLexic term bank. Concepts are investigated and validated with native experts under the guidance of the UIC terminologist. The aim is to facilitate multilingual communication at an international level.
The terminology unit at UIC also helps other departments relying on glossaries, particularly the working groups in charge of drafting International Railway Solutions (IRS). These collaborations are essential to provide material to the UIC Terminology Group and to develop the term bank.
For any order, please visit the ETF online shop or send an email to ETFpubli at uic.org
For more information on terminology at UIC, please contact raillexic at uic.org