International Railway Research Board (IRRB)

The International Rail Research Board (IRRB) is the UIC's global stakeholder group for rail research and innovation, acting both globally and regionally to support all UIC regions. IRRB provides a global research and innovation platform for UIC members and academic and research entities focused on boosting the railway sector’s innovation-driven development, facilitating skills and knowledge sharing, as well as promoting best practices in R&D+I activities. At a regional level, IRRB supports the sustainable development of UIC R&I Regional Competence Hubs (RCHs) via the IRRB RCH Core Group (CG) Taskforce.

List of working groups:

  • IRRB Plenary Session
  • IRRB Steering Committee
  • IRRB WG1 Global R&I strategic long-term vision
  • IRRB WG2 From research projects to Rail manufacturing value chain innovations
  • IRRB WG3 New railway technologies and innovations
  • IRRB WG4 Research and innovation for climate resilience of railways
  • IRRB WG5 Rail research, innovation and education delivering the SDGs
  • IRRB RCH Core Group

More information coming soon.

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