Agreement on freight Train Transfer Inspection
By becoming a co-signatory, you reduce the dwell time caused by inspections during handover and avoid time-consuming bilateral agreement protocol with your current and future partners.
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Agreement on freight Train Transfer Inspection enables more agile cross-border operations by introducing ISO sampling for wagon inspections. The rules governing the transfer of wagons between participating railway undertakings are based on the GCU (General Contract of Use for Wagons).
Partaking in ATTI increases your commercial speed, leads to better productivity and optimises your resources; therefore, allowing more train runs.
What advantages do you gain by following ATTI?
standardised quality management system comprising of fixed rules, reporting systems plus measures to be taken in the event of quality-related discrepancies and incidents
3 types of inspections to ensure compliance for the wagon handover are:
GCU Appendix 9 (technical inspection)
RID/IRS 40471-3 (dangerous goods)
operational and wagon data rules and regulations
The UIC team assists with your compliance.
Accord pour la visite des trains fret à l´échange
Vereinbarung über die Übergangsuntersuchung von Güterzügen
- PDF - 287.1 kb
- PDF - 145.9 kb
What is ATTI?
The ATTI SG is a UIC special group within the Freight Forum. It is made up of RUs, some of which are UIC members and some of which are not. It works on an independent basis, with only the General Assembly determining its remit. The ATTI SG sets the rules governing the transfer of wagons between participating RUs; these are based on the GCU (General Contract of Use for Wagons). In order to facilitate international freight transport, the participating RUs undertake to comply with the current internal regulations, including appendices. The objective of the ATTI SG is to enhance cooperation between RUs, harmonising and developing the relevant rules accordingly. It aims to allow better forward planning as well as to increase the quality and safety of trains subject to the agreement (ATTI trains).
The ATTI SG has an extranet portal hosted by UIC where all essential information, documents and QMS data can be stored and accessed.
The ATTI SG has an executive committee. Within this committee, selected specialists from participating RUs work on further developments to the “Agreement on Technical Transfer Inspection for wagon exchanges” and on the implementation of the quality management system.
Advantages of participating in the ATTI SG
Collective, harmonised agreement, no need to negotiate separate bi- or multilateral agreements.
Standardised quality management system comprising fixed rules, reporting systems and measures to be taken in the event of quality-related discrepancies and incidents. Documentation of participating RUsʼ quality indicators.
Improved forward-planning for trains
The procedure for the inclusion of trains in the agreement can be simplified. No need for “random sampling” acceptance inspection as per GCU Appendix 9, point 5 (since partner RUsʼ quality indicators are known to be sufficiently good). This means that the transfer inspection at the handover location, which is performed under the “random sampling” procedure, can also be dispensed with.
Reduction of costs due to “random sampling” inspection no longer taking place; train not held up at handover location, no additional staffing costs for the execution of the transfer inspection.
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