On 13 March, TreSP-Network (Trespass and Suicide Prevention Network) members had the wonderful opportunity to visit both the Smart Monitoring Room (SMR) of ProRail and the OCCR (Operational Control Centre Rail), located in the same building in Utrecht.
- Koen Bakker (SMR manager, ProRail) explained their use of smart cameras, their plans for using cameras to recognise users’ behaviour, and how OCCR and SMR react if someone is hit by a train.
- Rutger Jongejan (train driver and suicide prevention ambassador at NS) explained about NS aftercare and how colleagues are trained and supported, in terms of their mental health, after an incident/accident.
- In the afternoon, the group travelled by train to Ermelo Station, where ProRail has put various preventive measures in place. Marjolein Snel and Bart Hoogcarspel detailed the measures at the station.
- Rosanne van den Hurk (ProRail) described the cooperation between ProRail and the local health institutions.
- Lorenzo Mulder and Geert Vlogman (ProRail) presented the work of the Incident Response Unit (Incidentenbestrijding – ICB) and how they handle collisions. This specialised team ensures that tracks are cleared as quickly as possible after an incident. With specially equipped vehicles, they can reach places that are difficult to access, and they are trained in the handling of hazardous substances.
On 14 March, we had a very inspiring meeting with our railway colleagues sharing their knowledge and experiences in the trespass and suicide prevention.
Ann Mills, RSSB Chair thanked our hosts ProRail and NS for the outstanding technical visits and their warm welcome. 34 people from 15 countries (20 in person and 14 online) participated.
NS and ProRail colleagues gave outstanding presentations on trespass and suicide prevention. We learnt about the technological preventive measures put in place at Emerlo Station and its level crossing, including anti-trespass carpets (or “witch hats”), fences and intelligent cameras. Blue lights are also being tested at other locations. We also heard about staff training, public awareness and communication campaigns, also from Teun van der Heijden, Intervention Worker at NS how he provides small conversations in stations for potentially suicidal people, cooperation with mental health experts and the police, and the actions taken after collisions.
- Leonie Bosselaar (NS) presented their campaigns:
- Communication campaign on the impact of suicides on our employees.
- Public campaign on reaching out to support people who feel lonely.
- Laura Boelsma (NS) presented the “Protocol for repeater offenders” and the pilot intervention officer for misunderstood behaviour.
- Bart Hoogcarspel (ProRail) presented the “Guideline for level crossings”. Suicide prevention measures are integrated into the design of level crossings when they are built – or rebuilt. The guideline can also be used when implementing measures in response to an increased suicide risk.
- Marjolein Snel (ProRail) described the suicide prevention approach in the Netherlands.
Then the group reviewed RESTRAIL measures, focusing particularly on:
- Campaigns to raise awareness, targeting suicide and trespass prevention and
vulnerable categories. - Mass media campaigns, national campaigns to prevent suicide, and safety campaigns.
- Education in and outside schools.
- Media guidelines, to avoid the copycat effect.
For more details, please see https://restrail.eu/toolbox/
- It was mentioned that an RSSB webinar on trespass and suicide prevention will be held on 1 April 2025. More information is available at Airmeet: Webinar.
- Laura Joyner, Research Fellow in Suicide Prevention, at Middlesex University, presented an “Introduction to the QUESST project (Questioning, Understanding & Evaluating Suicide Surveillance Technologies)”, giving an overview of the 3-year project currently underway which looks at the use of smart surveillance for suicide prevention at high-risk locations.
Please visit: - https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/NIHR151521 for an overview of the project;
- https://quesstresearch.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/quesst-sst-survey-summary.pdf for a summary of their professional stakeholder survey; and
- https://quesstresearch.wordpress.com/ for a preview of their website.
- Finally, Gemma Lavery, Professional Head of Safety, Health and Wellbeing at RSSB, gave a presentation on rail industry collaboration in the UK to develop a ‘One Stop Shop’ for trespass and suicide prevention. This One Stop Shop is a hub which brings together relevant information and resources in one place.
Isabelle Fonverne (UIC) provided updates on ILCAD and TRESPAD 2025:
- The theme of both campaigns will be “Helping people make good decisions” with the slogan “Safe decisions – every time”.
- The launch conferences will be held on 4 and 5 June 2025 respectively, and the technical visits will take place on 6 June, hosted by Network Rail/RSSB at the National Railway Museum in York, UK.
- Calls for papers are now closed. Many interesting contributions were received and the selection process is underway. Potential speakers will be informed shortly.
- Registration is available at https://ilcad.org/ilcad/campaigns/launch-conference.
- UIC will release:
- A video (as for ILCAD) showing inappropriate behaviours (trespassers); and
- Posters depicting positive attitudes around tracks.
After the meeting, we were given the fantastic opportunity to visit the ProRail head office. This iconic building is known as “The Inkwell” (De Inktpot). More details are available here: