Tuesday 11 June 2024

Last Chance to Register: UIC – UNECE Joint Workshop on the Security of Vulnerable Rail Users

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The UIC Security Platform and UNECE are co-organising a workshop on the Security of Vulnerable Users in Railways on 18-19 June 2024 in person in Geneva, as part of a special session of the UNECE Working Party on Rail Transport on Rail Security.

Register now to see distinguished speakers from UNODC, UN Women, OSCE, European Passenger Federation, International Justice Mission, It’s a Penalty, RPF of Indian Railways, PKP S.A., PLK S.A., Albanian Railways, FGC, SNCF, the National Railways of Zimbabwe, and more!

This joint workshop aims to discuss the security challenges associated with vulnerable rail users, share good practices regarding measures to ensure their security and explore how the legal framework can support the railways in their efforts. It will look at vulnerability generally as well as the fight against trafficking in human beings and the security of women specifically.

The agenda for the upcoming Special Session and a background document are available here: https://unece.org/transport/events/special-session-working-party-rail-transport-sc2

Please be advised that the meeting is in-person only and that you must register for the meeting in order to get access to the Palais des Nations (registration link: https://indico.un.org/event/1007154/).

For further information, please contact us here: https://uic.org/about/contact

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