Tuesday 18 June 2024

RICG Creative Workshop – Online kick-off meeting

2 July, from 9:00 to 12:00

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We are hosting an online kick-off meeting for members of the UIC Research and Innovation Coordination Group (RICG) on 2 July, from 9:00 to 12:00. This meeting will serve as preparation for a creative workshop on 5 September 2024, focusing on updating the future capabilities of the European rail system.

Kick-off meeting draft agenda:

1) The global political context and its implications for the capabilities of the future European railway system

2) 12 capabilities of the future European railway system based on the trend map and the World Economic Fund risk report

3) 12 capacities of the future European railway system in the context of the EU strategy for transport development

4) 12 capabilities of the future European railway system (status of the update = AS-IS) based on the ER JU MAWP

5) Q&A

6) Briefing on the purpose and scope of the workshop (5/9/2024) and the roadmap for the capabilities of the future European railway system – v. 2024 (A. Fojud)

A link to join the meeting will be sent to all registered participants.

Registration is mandatory. Please register at:

RICG Creative Workshop - Online Kick-off meeting

For further information, please contact us here: https://uic.org/about/contact