Thursday 28 April 2022

UIC and UIC Africa holds the 8th UIC African Railway Thursdays on “Rethinking African Railways Stations: why and how”

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TEHRAN UIC RAME: The link for registration is as the following:
The agenda is as follows:

UIC African Railway Thursdays
Bimonthly webinars dedicated to activities and projects of the UIC and UIC Africa.
The topic of the 8th Webinar:
"Rethink railway stations in Africa: why and how?”

The webinar will be held on 28 April 2022, from 13am to 16 pm CET (Paris time).
English & French.

Official Opening 13h-13h20
Mr Mohamed Rabie Khlie, Chairman UIC Africa, UIC Vice-Chairman

Mr François Davenne, UIC Director General
African Union Representative - TBC
Panel 1: Development of Railway stations: from place of transit to place to live (13h20 - 14h00)
Moderator: Marc Guigon
+ Global overview of the development of innovative and commercial activities within the railway stations
+ Railway stations at the heart of the cities: example of Poland
Paweł Wróblewski, PKP
+ Model of transformation of Railway Stations in Morocco: overview and perspectives
+ Q&A
Panel 2: Railway Station as cradle of intermodality, its crucial role in the sustainable mobility (14h00 - 14h40)
Moderator: Said Nassiri
+ Intermodal railway stations, prerogatives and international success stories
+ Management of intermodality within the railway stations, challenges of partnerships
Paul VAN DONINCK, Jernhusen
+ African cities and challenges of intermobility : railway network experiences of Transnet, SNCFT…
+ Challenges of financial and institutional arrangements for the railway stations : example of France, SNCF
+ Q&A
Panel 3: Railway stations: what place in urban reconfiguration? (14h55 - 15h50)
Moderator: Louis Napo
+ Railway Stations as a driver of sustainable territorial development
Maha Soltaniehha, AFRY Switzerland Ltd
+ The strategic positioning of railway stations in urban and rural development
David HUGHES, Irish Rail
+ The development of railway station environment, a factor of attractiveness and usefulness
+ Q&A
Conclusions (15h50 - 16h)
+ Marc GUIGON, UIC Director of Passenger Department

A webinar titled “Rethinking African Railways Stations: why and how” will be held on April 28, 2022 at 13:00-16:00 (Paris time) with the host of UIC and UIC Africa Region.

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