ERA, RSSB, Network Rail and the University of Nottingham are organising the third International Conference on Rail Human Factors. It will take place at Lille’s Grand Palais on 3, 4 and 5 March next.
The UIC Human Factors team have been invited to organise a day-long workshop at this event on 4 March.
The Safety Platform’s Human Factors Working Group (HFWG) and the Human Factors Competence Centre (FOHS) have decided to organise this workshop jointly. It shall provide the opportunity to present past, present and future UIC work, studies, conferences, seminars and projects.
The workshop will address topics such as SPADs, the driver’s environment, fatigue and its impact on alertness, local management checks, the contribution of psychology and other human sciences to rail safety, the language study, interoperability, driver stress, and human factor aspects of safety in border crossings.
This event will provide the opportunity for the UIC HF team to present the work and studies on Human Factors undertaken by the HF Competence Centre and Safety Platform HFWG and set out the work they plan to undertake in the months and years to come. It is also a chance to declare a clear commitment to the inclusion of the human factors discipline at international level in the rail sector, and to highlight the activities and initiatives undertaken by UIC’s Human Factors team.