The sixth training session on High Speed Systems will be held from 8 – 12 June 2009 at UIC Headquarters, 16 rue Jean Rey, 75015 Paris. It will be
followed by an optional technical visit to Belgium on Saturday 13 June.
With the scale and complexity of the development of high speed railway systems across the world it is becoming increasingly important for decision-makers to be familiar with all aspects and implications of high speed rail, to enable them to take or propose objective decisions on transport development.
This training session therefore aims to examine all the elements that make up high speed systems (as well as all the different types of systems included in this category), and to gauge their impact impartially and objectively from a technical, economic, political and social standpoint.
The session is targeted at managers in decision-making positions in the transport sector in general, and in the railways in particular, working in railway companies, ministries, local authorities, universities, advisory bodies, agencies or associations.
Please note that participation in this training programme is strictly reserved for candidates in senior positions and/or with high-level decision-making powers. In keeping with the notion of high speed rail as a system, it is imperative that candidates attend all sessions in the programme.