Urban railway course managed by IRaTCA, from Oct. 26 to 30, 2009, targeting the middle-management executive was successfully finished as a part of UIC-Asia project.
Trainees from 6 countries such as Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Bangladesh attended this course and acquired knowledge about wide range of urban railway from construction, operation to subsidiary business and new technology.
Especially the presentation time, called “country report”, gave trainees the opportunity to grasp the current status of each country and to share facing problems.
Consequently, this time was very helpful to understand the situation of Asian countries’ urban railway development and also to seek out the applicable solutions.
Many experts and professors from various countries were invited this course as lecturers, such as T. C. Kao, Professor of Taiwan National university, Kiyohiro TAKEMOTO, Manager of JR East, Leo Mak, General Director of BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION as well as Korean experts, so they delivered high standard of lectures about urban railway operation in Taiwan, Japan, Hong-Kong and Korea vividly. Especially, urban railway transit system, screen doors and express subway service in Korea attracted trainees.
At the opening ceremony, vice president of KORAIL “SIM, Hyeog-Yun” said “IRaTCA should reinforce the global capability of rail men and the collaborative development of rail industry as the standardized training institute of railway industry.”
In addition Mr. HUH, Joon-Young who is a president of KORAIL as well as a chairman of UIC Asia Regional Assembly met trainees to encourage them about their effort in this course and asked their enthusiastic participation for mutual development and enlarging cooperation on Asia Regional railway.