Wednesday 20 January 2010

Security partnerships: OSCE (Malta, 16-17 December 2009)

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Since late 2007 UIC has been developing a partnership with the OSCE, (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the world’s largest regional security organization whose 56 participating States span the geographical area from Vancouver to Vladivostok.

As part of its comprehensive approach to security, the OSCE is concerned with economic and environmental matters, recognizing that co-operation in these areas can contribute to peace, prosperity and stability.

UIC is involved in the activity of two OSCE bodies:
• The Action against terrorism Unit
This held an important workshop in Malta on the “Integrated Approach to Supply Chain Security for the Mediterranean Region” in December 2009.
Jacques Colliard, UIC security division, presented the work in progress at UIC to enhance security of the land transportation segment of the supply chain.

•The Office of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities
This will hold the 18th Economic and Environmental Forum on the theme: ”Promoting Good Governance at Border Crossings, improving the security of land transportation and facilitating international transport by road and rail in the OSCE Region" (prepared during the course of two expert conferences) on 1st and 2nd February 2010 in Vienna and from 24th to 26th May 2010 in Prague, to which Jean Pierre Loubinoux is officially invited.

For more information please contact Jacques Colliard: colliard at

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