- UIC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with African Union Commission (AUC)
[18-19 March 2010, Addis-Abbeba (Ethiopia)]
The two parties agreed to strengthen the cooperation on the basis of the 2007 AUC / UIC MoU. To that end, it was agreed that the Union of African Railways UAR, as the specialised technical agency of the AU in railway matters, would have a key role in the implementation of specific projects in cooperation with UIC.
- UIC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Agencia Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT) of the Federal Republic of Brazil
[9 March 2010, Sao Paulo (Brazil)]
The two parties agreed to focus in particular on the development of a high speed rail system, a research and development strategy for high speed rail, development of rail freight lines, railway standards and regulations, information systems and data exchange. This agreement should also pave the way for developing cooperation in matters of railway interoperability and station development. UIC is willing to support the development of a high-performance, competitive railway system for both passenger and freight transportation in Brazil, a country with a strong potential for rail transport due to its geographic, demographic and economic background.
- UIC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the World Bank
[11 February 2010, Washington (U.S.A)]
The two organizations agreed to share knowledge, lessons learned, information and data. The wealth of railway expertise, professional knowledge and experience collected at UIC thanks to its members’ contributions – with around 200 on-going railway cooperation projects – will enable UIC to effectively support the World Bank’s strategy of “Safe, Clean and Affordable…Transport for Development” serving economic growth, with particular focus on developing countries. Recently, UIC has put stronger focus on activities related to energy efficiency, sustainability of rail transport, cost effectiveness, a series of objectives that fit perfectly with the World Bank’s strategy. The recent launching at UIC of railway cooperation activities tailored to each region of the world should also allow increased synergies with the World Bank.
- UIC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
[8 February 2010, Washington (U.S.A)]
The two organizations agreed to work together in extensive information-sharing covering the various technical, finance and management aspects of planning and building high-speed rail systems.