The next meeting of the UIC Regional Assembly Middle-East (UIC RAME) will be held on Tuesday 20 April 2010 in Istanbul the day before the official opening of the UIC World Rail Security Congress (21-23 April). The Regional Assembly Middle-East will be chaired by Mr Süleyman Karaman, President and CEO of Turkish Railways (TCDD) and vice chaired by Mr. Abdol Ali Saheb-Mohammadi, Vice Minister of Road and Transportation, President of the Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran (RAI).
The meeting will serve as an opportunity to review the implementation and follow-up of the activities set out in the 2010 – 2011 UIC RAME Action Plan, in particular the organisation of the high-level workshop on Railway Projects and Perspectives in the Middle-East (Turkey, autumn 2010), technical workshops on Railway Safety (Tehran, 4-5 May 2010), Infrastructure Maintenance and Asset Management (Jordan, summer 2010), as well as the conference on Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Products Transportation (date to be confirmed).