Friday 30 April 2010
European Rail Research

ERRAC Roadmap WP04 next Open Workshop

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Railway Safety & Security

The 2nd workshop will be held at the CER premises at Avenue des Arts 53 in Brussels

6 May 2010 from 10:00 - 16:00

The results of the workshop will be integrated into the Rail Safety & Security Roadmap, and subsequently integrated into the annual Rail Research roadmap to be presented to the European Commission in June.

Its contents will heavily influence the future FP7 Calls for Proposal in Rail Safety and Security.

The participation of your company experts on safety and security is therefore essential!

To register please contact Alice Polo (UNIFE) before 1 May 2010:

Tel: +32 2 643 70 87
Mobile: +32 472 82 16 62 Alice.Polo at

For further details and/or information on the ERRAC WP Roadmaps and/or activities, please contact Dennis Schut schut at Nadia Debachy debachy at
or visit the ERRAC website

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