Tuesday 16 November 2010
Regional Cooperation / Asia

2010 training course of the International Railway Training Center for UIC Asia (IRaTCA) and the third Asian Network of Training Centers (ANTC) seminar

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The 2010 training course of the International Railway Training Center for UIC Asia (IRaTCA) and the third Asian Network of Training Centers (ANTC) seminar took place from 7 to 13 November 2010 in Uilwang and Suwon, on the outskirts of Seoul in Korea. Members from Vietnam, India, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, naturally Korea, but also Algeria stated their interest in this session, this year dealing with the subject of “Green Growth”; a topic which was strongly backed by our Korean colleagues in the context of their development programme which should enable the region to become one of the five most developed in the world by 2025.

There were around twenty participants including speakers from Japan and France and also participants from Uzbekistan and Nepal and representatives from operators and governmental authorities, all discussing different rail projects in their countries and the recognition of environmental sustainability matters. Inaugurated by Huh Joon-Young, CEO of Korail and Chairman of UIC Asia, the highly detailed presentations enabled experiences to truly be shared between countries which already have high speed services, those whose needs are developing rapidly and those whose new projects form part of a phase of international infrastructure developments. This opportunity was taken to remind participants that railways were responding to increasing mobility needs in our societies whilst respecting criteria for harmonious social and economic progress. Furthermore the large professional, financial and intergovernmental institutions increasingly have a fundamental role to play in a century in which railway infrastructure is crossing ever more borders. At the same time educational networking is to be expanded by working with the ENRTC, the European equivalent of ANTC.

This event clearly illustrates UIC’s current priorities bringing together the growing significance of the regions, recognition of environmental concerns and training needs. The next meeting has already been organised for 2011 in Ulan Bator where the Mongolian railway authorities will organise the fourth training session, open to all UIC Asia members.

The International Railway Training Center for UIC Asia (IRaTCA) is an initiative which was created in 2007 by the Asia region to organise general training sessions and promote educational benchmarking between members. Chaired by KORAIL, vice-chaired by Vietnam Railways and financed by members of UIC Asia, in Beijing in December 2010 it is expected to be established as a permanent activity of the region.

For more information please contact Vincent Vu, UIC Coordinator for Asia: vu@uic.org

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