Tuesday 5 April 2011
Railway Freight

UIC Combined Transport Group (CTG) meeting (Paris, 29 March 2011)

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The Combined Transport Group met on 29 March 2011 in Paris under the Presidency of Eric Peetermans.

As part of its goal to increase its understanding of the Eastern European combined transport market, the CTG had invited representatives from RZD and Transcontainer (one of RZD’s combined transport subsidiaries).

Mr Munkin, Key Intermodal Account Manager for RZD in Moscow, and Mr Shanaytsa, General Manager for Transcontainer in Berlin, gave detailed explanations about the business models, market organisation, volumes transported and market potential for container traffic.

The CTG members were also informed by Mr Feyen from UIRR of the implications of the new coding for intermodal units as of 1 July 2011 and were presented with the headlines of the Combined Transport Guide which will be issued shortly. The guide is the result of collaboration between UIC and UIRR experts under the umbrella of their joint working structure Interunit.

Finally, an important discussion took place on the future of the Combined Transport Directive and steps to develop a line of argument for the Weights and Dimensions Directive for CER were agreed.

For more information please contact Sandra Géhénot, UIC Senior Advisor for Freight: gehenot@uic.org

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The Combined Transport Group met on 29 March 2011 in Paris under the Presidency of Eric Peetermans, with the participation of Oliver Sellnick, UIC Director for Freight and Sandra Géhénot, UIC Senior Advisor for Combined Transport