Friday 4 November 2011
Relations with railway organisations

Announcement of “Berner Tage” on International Rail Transport Law (Bern, 8-9 March 2012)

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The “Berner Tage” reflect the most recent developments in international rail transport law. They are specially designed to appeal to in-house railway lawyers, specialists from claims and claims prevention departments, specialist lawyers, insurance experts and representatives from the ministries of justice and transport.

The main topic of the 2012 event will be the EU’s accession to COTIF. Liability issues which arise in the relationship between carriers form a second key topic. In addition, the CIT and the infrastructure managers’ association RailNetEurope (RNE) will present and discuss the General Terms and Conditions of use of infrastructure (EGTC); terms and conditions which they drew up together.

The following topics will be considered in separate modules:

Passenger traffic:

  • taking stock of Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations (PRR)
  • e-ticketing
  • new procedures for settling disputes

Freight traffic:

  • Rotterdam Rules
  • liability within the triangular relationship between railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and wagon keepers
  • electronic consignment note
  • rail transport between Europe and Asia

The “Berner Tage 2012” will conclude with a panel discussion on the objectives of and cooperation between governmental organisations and the role of the railway trade associations in the development and implementation of the international law of carriage by rail. Well-known experts from politics, industry and academia will give their views and discuss them with seminar participants (the “Berner Tage” are recognised as satisfying requirements for the professional development of specialist lawyers).

Papers for the seminar and further information may be obtained from the General Secretariat of the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT), Weltpoststrasse 20, CH-3015 Bern, telephone +41 (0)31 350 01 90. Registration may be made by e-mail (, by fax +41 (0)31 350 01 99 or by means of the CIT website:

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