Wednesday 1 February 2012
Railway Safety

UIC spearheads a study on safety culture in the railway sector

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On 19 January, UIC launched a study on safety culture in the railway sector. A number of railway companies and infrastructure managers were brought together during the kick-off meeting organised by the Human Factors working group, which is run under the UIC Safety Platform.
The work will focus on current best practice in the area of safety culture, and aims to:

  • Identify and characterise the safety culture as practised within railway companies
  • Establish the best methods
  • Identify the tools enabling a safety culture to be effectively implemented in the railway sector as a whole
  • Learn from other areas of industry (nuclear, oil, chemical, air and maritime)

The eventual aim is for UIC and its members to propose a common project, enabling railway companies and infrastructure managers to empower not only those involved in the safety sector, but all staff in general to develop a common culture.

For more information please contact Virginie Papillault: papillault@uic.Org

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