Tuesday 7 February 2012
Passengers / Safety

European Commission promotes increased use of European single emergency number 112

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European Commission Vice-Presidents Neelie Kroes and Siim Kallas (Commissioner for Transport) are calling on international transport organisations to commit themselves to promote the European single emergency number 112. This single number, common to all 27 countries of the European Union, can be dialled to reach emergency services – medical, fire and police – from anywhere in Europe.

The European Commission is targeting among others the transport organisations, as they are able to raise awareness among a large number of travellers – whether business or leisure – about 112, that can strongly contribute to save lives.

According to both European Commission Vice-Presidents, the 2012 Olympic Games in London as well as the EURO 2012 (UEFA European Football Championship) will provide unique opportunities for transport and railway companies to communicate the importance of this number to their passengers and users to get in touch with emergency services.

(Source: European Commission)

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