Tuesday 14 February 2012
Railway Noise

UIC Network Noise meets in Brussels (7 February)

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The UIC Network Noise held a meeting at the Infrabel office in Brussels on 7 February 2012. It was attended by 14 people representing a number of European railway organisations. The group discussed and agreed a new organisation structure and the formation of a separate group focused on vibration. Updates were provided on current UIC noise projects, future EC noise policy, progress of the EuropeTrain project and noise management by members. A shortlist of future projects was also agreed. The agenda, minutes and presentation from the meeting are available on the Noise Network section of Ovidentia (UIC Extranet). The next meeting will be held in Helsinki on 12 September 2012.

For more information please contact Alex Veitch: veitch@uic.org

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Noise barrier (Source: Railway Noise in Europe - a 2010 UIC report on the state of the art)