On 31 May, UIC participated in the 7th International Rail Business Forum “1520 Strategic Partnership”, organised by Russian Railways (RZD) at the kind invitation of its President Mr Vladimir Yakunin.
This conference, which brought together over 1000 participants, was of particular significance this year as it addressed the central theme of developing corridors linking Europe and Asia. In view of this, it is worth noting the participation of Mr Siim Kallas, European Transport Commissioner, as well as several other transport ministers and European participants.
Among the major strategic panel sessions the topic of intercontinental interoperability featured on the agenda.
Against this backdrop, Mr Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director-General, recalled how UIC could contribute to this issue of interoperability. This technical issue, which was already a concern for UIC at the time of its founding, continues to be a priority in its future work conducted in its various regions.
Taking into account all the actions already undertaken and agreements made with a large number of other institutions and stakeholders on this subject, UIC can combine these efforts in a collective endeavour with a view to developing the project to build international corridors. This initiative would be based on studies already conducted by UIC and its members, in particular based on the results of the ICOMOD study, and thanks to the relations that UIC fosters with OSJD on track gauge issues, with OTIF and CIT on the issue of the consignment note, with UNECE and UNESCAP on technical and administrative issues at the UN, to ties recently strengthened in the area of safety and security, and to training with CCTT.