Tuesday 28 August 2012
Level crossings

12th Global Level Crossing and Trespass Symposium to be held from 8 – 10 October in London!

Last month to register!

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The Global Level Crossing and Trespass Symposium (GLXS) is a biennial event that brings together safety professionals from road, rail, enforcement and regulatory authorities around the world. The delegates exchange information and share good practice for improving safety at level crossings. This year the event will be held in London, hosted jointly by RSSB (Rail Safety and Standards Board), Network Rail (Britain’s rail infrastructure manager) and ORR (Office of Rail Regulation).

The theme of the symposium will be “Working together to improve safety at level crossings.” Presentations will include:

  • Working with highway authorities
  • Innovation and new design
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Communications
  • Education of motorists and the public
  • Enforcement
  • Evaluation
  • Human behaviour
  • Latest research

There will also be a discussion on railway trespassing issues.

The event will take place from Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th October at the Pullman London St Pancras Hotel. Have a look at www.levelcrossing2012.org for more information and registration forms.

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