Wednesday 12 September 2012

“UIC eNews” will shortly be opening a New Header spotlighting important new projects from UIC Members:

Feel free to add to our columns and stay tuned with the hot railway issue of important projects to be developed in the next few months!

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Dear UIC Members,

Our electronic newsletter “UIC eNews”, focused on UIC projects and activities, today represents an essential publication for the international railway community. With over 2,500 articles covering all aspects of UIC, notably its technical expertise, this is “the place to read” the latest information on technical meetings and workshops, important international railway projects, conclusions and next steps of world congresses organised by UIC, exchanges and discussions on best practice, etc....

Aware of the need to always improve the publication, UIC is currently making several improvements to keep up with readers’ information needs in line with the times and to collect constructive feedback.

In order to continue sharing experiences with readers using UIC knowledge and information so as to know what kind of impact its work has, UIC will shortly be opening a new header giving you a unique opportunity to communicate on the achievements and successes of your company to 3,200 readers worldwide. These will include many of the major transport stakeholders at worldwide level, including decision-makers of railway companies and industries, government bodies, international organisations and specialist institutions, standards and railway research bodies, universities and consulting companies…

The new section will feature monthly highlights of great railway achievements and major projects planned in the coming years. Its purpose is to give some interesting, educational and illustrated information on projects to the international railway community.

In this perspective, we would be very happy to receive your suggestions for topics that will be published by UIC if the subject corresponds to a maximum interest of readers. Around 10 topics a year will be chosen for publication from the suggestions we receive.

We encourage you to contact us and provide us with a suggestion!

We look forward to hearing from you,

Jean-Pierre Loubinoux

Practical information to communicate your suggestion to UIC:

  • send your proposal to: plaud at
  • send us text (in English, ideally 2 pages maximum), pictures (in high resolution), maps, logos, etc.

All suggestions are welcome!

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