Tuesday 2 October 2012
Asia / International Training

ANTC Seminar: do not miss the 5th edition !

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The 5th ANTC (Asia Network of Rail Training Centres) Seminar, co-organised by UIC, IRaTCA and Indian Railways, will be held in Delhi (India) from 11 – 12 October 2012. The purpose of ANTC, as one of the UIC Asia projects approved at the 2nd UIC Asian Regional Assembly held in Paris on 6 December 2007, is to provide a secure platform for cooperation among the railway training experts of Asian railways, and also to exchange best practice in training techniques and skills.

Following the success of the 4th ANTC Seminar, which was held in Mongolia from 21 – 22 September 2011, this 5th ANTC Seminar will focus on contemporary subjects such as “Safety and Related Training”, “Competency-based Training in the Railways” and “Phased Training Approach for Development of Technical Skills”.

All information is available at: http://www.uic.org/asia/

To register: http://www.uic.org/spip.php?article3011

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