“Moving towards Sustainable Mobility: European Rail Sector Strategy 2030 and beyond” was jointly agreed and endorsed by members of UIC and CER in December 2010 to provide a unified approach to environmental and sustainability topics in the European rail sector. It outlines how the rail sector should be performing in environmental terms in 2030 and 2050, and provides a framework that allows companies in the rail sector to make suitable long-term plans.
The strategy is built on four key environmental topics: climate protection, energy efficiency, exhaust emissions, and noise emissions. It sets out specific objectives for the rail sector to meet by 2030, and as uncertainties make predictions for the longer timeframe of 2050 more difficult, more general “visions” for 2050. This summary document outlines the objectives and vision statements.
The publication can be viewed at: http://www.uic.org/spip.php?rubrique1638