Tuesday 20 November 2012
Rail Security

UITP Security Commission

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This commission was created in late 2004 as an extension of the joint UIC UITP declaration against terrorism, signed during the UITP congress in Geneva in June 2004.

Collaborative work was undertaken between the UIC security platform and this commission to tackle subjects of common interest such as issues of security in inter-modal stations, the allocation of responsibility among transport operators and local, regional and national authorities in the area of security, steps to be carried out vis-à-vis the European Commission and other institutions, and the prevention and fight against a number of threats.

The 14th meeting of the UITP SecCom, which took place in Munich on 7 and 8 November 2012, served as an opportunity to emphasise two points in particular:

  • Metal theft affecting UIC and UITP members: a joint publication of best practice and a number of recommendations and requests to national and international authorities is scheduled to be released in 2013
  • The decision by the European Commission to create government and stakeholder expert groups on the security of inland transport: a joint letter by UIC security, Colpofer, EIM, CER and UITP was sent on 5 October 2012 to the Commission to ask for representation within these groups insofar as they participate in the drafting of European policy on transport security (joint letter following that sent on 5 April 2011 on the same subject)

Furthermore, Jacques Colliard discussed the current situation of the UIC security platform, the main results of the congress held in Bratislava from 24 – 26 October 2012, and the prospect of organising a UIC security congress in France in collaboration with SNCF.

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Extract from the final joint letter on land transport security