UIC participated in the COP18 (Conference of the parties) climate change talks in Doha, Qatar, to present a vision for low-carbon transport. Together with our partners UITP and UNIFE, we presented the case that railways and other public transport mode can combine together to provide low-carbon alternatives to the car. We also promoted the low-CO2 emissions from freight transport. The UIC view was presented at a Side Event on 28 November which also featured experts in sustainable transport from Latin America. There were over 50 government representatives and expert stakeholders in the audience to learn about our low-carbon vision of the future of transport.
UIC also participated in the first-ever dedicated Transport Day at the COP, on Thursday 29 November, which brought together many experts in transport from around the world to present to country delegates the options for public and non-motorized transport. UIC presented a summary of railway developments in the Middle East, in particular the Amman Declaration agreed at the RAME High Level Conference on 5 November in Jordan. UIC then presented the results of research on the Carbon Footprint of High Speed Rail, and data from our recent Energy and CO2 Data Book publication with the International Energy Agency.
Being at the COP18 talks is also an excellent opportunity to promote rail to key stakeholders. UIC had a lunch meeting with the Director of Transport at the Asian Development Bank, and had meetings with, amongst others, senior staff at the International Energy Agency, and government delegates from the Philippines and Ethiopia who are planning major new rail projects and would welcome support and advice from UIC and our members.