Friday 21 December 2012
UIC Best Wishes

Personal message from Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General

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As 2012 draws to a close I would once more like to thank all our members, partners and those among the staff at UIC who have supported me in developing a particularly robust portfolio of work streams and projects to serve the needs of the international railway sector.

All these efforts will enable UIC to begin 2013 with confidence as a technical platform for projects, innovation and standardisation.

Despite the financial crisis affecting all sectors of the economy, including the transport sector in particular, the railway transport mode is gaining new importance throughout the world.

In this context, therefore, I share with you season’s greetings and my hope that our association will continue to contribute to the development of our sector, and of course

I also wish all of you – both personally and within your families – a very Happy New Year.

Jean-Pierre Loubinoux,

UIC Director General

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