Tuesday 22 January 2013
News from UIC Members

Romania: CFR SA names new Director General

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On 21 December 2012, in accordance with the provisions of the “Emergency Ordinance no. 109/November 30, 2011 on corporate governance of public companies”, the Management Board of the National Railway Company CFR SA (Romanian railway infrastructure manager) appointed Mr Dimitris Sophocleous as new Director General of CFR SA, replacing Mr Cristian Ghibu. At the same time, Mr D. Sophocleous is now a member of the Management Board of CFR SA.

Mr Dimitris Sophocleous (46 years old) is a Cypriot-Greek citizen. He is a chartered accountant and holds a degree from the Athens School of Economics and Business Science.
With 25 years of professional experience in the audit, shipping, telecommunications and pharmaceutical fields, Mr Dimitris Sophocleous has also held top management positions in some important companies in Romania such as Romtelecom and AD Pharma, where he was Chief Financial Officer.”

UIC warmly congratulates Mr Sophocleous on his appointment.

(Source: CFR SA)

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Mr Dimitris Sophocleous