Wednesday 27 February 2013
Rail Security

Security Platform: progress of working groups

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The two technical working groups – one focusing on “Border-crossing: Schengen area and other areas” and the other on “Security of international freight corridors” – held a joint meeting in Warsaw on 18 and 19 February 2013 to take stock of work in progress and to decide on future action in line with the discussions held during the Security Platform’s Steering Committee on 12 February 2013 at UIC in Paris.

Railway companies from over 12 countries presented their work, needs, priorities and plans in the area of border-crossing and freight security.

Representatives from OSJD, CCTT, the European Commission (DG MOVE) and from European Union agency Frontex also attended.

In order to better serve the needs of the UIC members involved and to facilitate their participation, it was decided to combine the two groups into one, with Tadeusz Kaczmarek (PKP PLK) and Miroslav Sokol (PKP PLK SOK) respectively chairing and vice-chairing for all border-crossing aspects, and Natalia Stepanova (CCTT) chairing for all aspects relating to the security of international freight corridors.

The group will set out and publish its work programme within the next few weeks and will coordinate with the UIC passenger and freight departments.

The presentations are available in the Security section of the UIC Extranet, in the working group’s own restricted workspace.

For further information please contact Jacques Colliard: colliard at

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