Tuesday 11 June 2013
Railway Safety / Level crossings

9th Edition of the PKP PLK social campaign Safe Crossing – “Stop and live!” has begun

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On 24 May 2013, the 9th edition of the social campaign Safe Crossing – “Stop and live!” was launched in 22 Polish cities. The campaign is meant to raise awareness among society of the consequences of incautious behaviour when crossing railway tracks.
Statistics show that 98-99% of accidents and collisions that take place on railway crossings are caused by a lack of caution and excessive boldness of road users. Each year more than 200 accidents and collisions take place at railway crossings in Poland. Several dozens of people die and twice as many get hurt as a result of such accidents and collisions.

Railway safety is a key priority for PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., the Polish railway infrastructure manager.

PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. has undertaken numerous initiatives to limit the risk of accidents at railway crossings. Such initiatives include, for example, the modernisation of many crossings (construction of two-level crossings or installations of protections on crossings e.g. modern automatic crossing signalling devices).
To limit the risk related to driver behaviour at crossings, PKP PLK SA has been conducting a social campaign for many years named “Safe Crossing – Stop and live!” The goal of this campaign is to raise public awareness of the consequences of not being particularly cautious when passing at railway crossings i.e. the consequences of violating Article 28 of Polish traffic law.

Simulated accidents with pedestrians and drivers are one of the tools used to increase awareness of railway crossing safety.

The campaign has been conducted since 2005 and includes activities such as: safety audits within the scope of the project “Safe Monday”, reporting of problems at crossings via the form “Report an error” available on the website www.bezpieczny-przejazd.pl, educational meetings, mailing in the form of a newsletter (reference of knowledge on currently conducted and planned actions, statistical data), series of contests dedicated to younger and older road traffic participants, TV and radio broadcast spots.

The organisers of the campaign actively participate in international efforts, particularly in the ILCAD (International Level Crossing Awareness Day) campaign. The joint initiative of several countries across all continents has been coordinated by UIC under the patronage of the United Nations and the European Union and focuses the activities of government, self-government and railway institutions in the scope of education and promotion of safe behaviour at and near road/rail crossings. The concept of the project is based on events organised in different countries. The project is meant to help society understand that railway collisions can be avoided through compliance with road traffic regulations.

Safety at railway crossings in Poland and in the world is a common cause of all those who can influence it: the railways and the police, administration and self-governments, social organisations and all people of good will. That is why the joint social awareness actions undertaken by employees of PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. are so important.
The organisers of the campaign would also like to cordially thank the Company’s employees who undertake actions promoting the slogan “Stop and live!” at work and outside. Most importantly, we extend our thanks for the commitment and emotional contribution to the undertaken efforts as well as for the identification with the campaign. Belief in the message of “Safe Crossing...” particularly among employees of PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. is what constitutes the strength of the campaign.
We invite you to join us. Together we fight for railway safety – our own safety and the safety of our loved ones.

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