Tuesday 18 June 2013
Railway Stations

Station Managers’ Global Group (SMGG) meeting – Paris, 11 June 2013

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SMGG (Station Managers’ Global Group) meeting, which is the worldwide platform for discussions between leaders of station managers, took place in Paris, UIC Headquarters on 11 June.

UIC HQ was represented by Iñaki Barrón, Director of the UIC Passenger Department, Marc Guigon, Senior Advisor for Passenger Transport, Takumi Ishii representing East Japan Railways and Kong Qi representing the Chinese Railways.

The following subjects were discussed:

Classification of stations

A draft of the UIC leaflet has been delivered by UIC HQ. The purpose of the leaflet is to provide a methodology to establish a classification of railway stations according to criteria developed by SMGG. The final goal is to be able to compare different facilities, thus highlighting differences and potential for improvement.
The criteria which were discussed during this meeting concern the number of passengers catching a train, the number of persons entering a station, the number of trains per day, the number of platform edges, the station size and the level of intermodality.

Governance of stations

A benchmark about the different governance structures all around the world will be established, in order to know the different ways and opportunities of managing stations

UIC leaflet 413: Measures to facilitate travel by rail

This leaflet contains all means which can facilitate the movement of the passengers within stations: information, pictograms, symbols, timetables, new technologies related to the positioning…
A roadmap to update this leaflet will be developed

Next Station

This subject is being overseen by SMGG, and is the focus of dedicated articles in UIC eNews

For further information please contact Marc Guigon: guigon@uic.org

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