Tuesday 25 June 2013
World Rail Research

World Congress on Rail Research: Organising Committee in Beijing (16 – 17 June 2013)

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On 18 and 19 June a meeting was held between the members of the Organising Committee (ORG) of the World Congress on Rail Research (WCRR).

The meeting was held at the invitation and on the premises of China Academy of Railway Sciences (CARS). The ORG members, and in particular Jean-Pierre Loubinoux representing UIC, would like to commend CARS for its excellent organisation and warm hospitality.

The meeting, chaired by David George, was the occasion to finalise the remaining details of the general framework of this new world congress on rail research to be held in Sydney from 25 – 28 November 2013 at Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre.
This world congress on rail research will be held concurrently with the large railway event organised by Ausrail (Australian Railways). Overall this event is expected to attract over 3000 to 4000 people and we are relying on the participation of over 600 members and partners for WCRR.

The congress has already aroused a great deal of interest as over 800 projects have been submitted, 200 of which will be the focus of a presentation in Sydney.
Running parallel to this congress will be the Asian Regional Assembly as well as a meeting of the International Rail Research Board (IRRB).

The event thus promises intensive networking as well as in-depth scientific sessions and panels of the highest strategic level comprising the various ORG members and CEOs.
Without wishing to list every detail in the support programme, we can already say that it will reflect the legendary Australian hospitability.

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