Tuesday 13 August 2013
Sustainable Development / Noise

Save the date for the RIVAS Final Conference

“Vibrations – Ways out of the annoyance” (Brussels, 21 November 2013)

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UIC and the RIVAS Consortium have the pleasure to announce the RIVAS Final conference “Vibrations – Ways out of the annoyance” that will be held in Brussels, Belgium on 21 November 2013.

Started in January 2011, RIVAS is a three-year collaborative R&D project co-funded by the European Commission. Its main objective has been to find ways and methodologies to reduce ground borne vibrations induced by rail traffic. The final conference will give further insight into the results of the project and look at possible ways of addressing the issue of vibration mitigation.

Programme highlights:

  • Innovative strategies to reduce vibration from rail traffic,
  • Technical solutions for vibration reduction at source,
  • Vibration reduction on the transmission path,
  • Design of vibration mitigation measures for hot-spots,
  • State-of-the-art computer simulations,
  • Harmonisation of requirements and assessment procedures,
  • Priority routes,
  • Recommendations for end-users.

At the end of each session, the speakers will also be pleased to share and discuss their research results with the participants. Ample time will also be reserved during the day for networking with project participants.

The official invitation to the Conference containing the link to the registration form, the draft programme, and information on the venue will be communicated in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, please save the date of 21 November 2013 in your calendar in order not to miss this important event.

We are looking forward to meeting you all in Brussels in November!

To know more about the project and its latest news, follow us on http://www.rivas-project.eu

For further information please contact Isabelle De Keyzer: dekeyzer@uic.org

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