Tuesday 13 August 2013
Railway Stations

Share with us the station of your dreams! You are invited to describe, on one page or less, your ideal station and/or station dreams

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As part of preparations for "NEXT STATION", the international conference on railway stations to be held in Moscow on 17 and 18 October this year, UIC will be publishing a special edition of eNews on the theme of railway stations.
Despite being public spaces, railway stations are also the scene of hundreds of personal stories, and are places where people may dream and feel what it means to be alive.

We are therefore asking you to imagine your “station dreams” – dreams which transport you without you necessarily leaving the station and boarding the train, and which you would enjoy sharing with us.

A selection of your dreams will be published (anonymously) in a special edition at the end of September.

Your description should be no longer than one page of A4, and can be presented as plain text or possibly in the form of a poem.

So dream up a station and pick up your pens: ready, set – let your imagination flow!

Please send your contribution to: plaud@uic.org

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