Tuesday 10 September 2013
Railway Stations

The Honorary Committee of ‘NEXT STATION’ reflects the worldwide visibility of the International Conference on Railway Stations

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‘NEXT STATION’, the 4th International Conference on Railway Stations to be held from 17 – 18 October 2013 in Moscow, Kazansky Station, is a unique event organised by the professional railway sector and entirely dedicated to the development and management of railway stations across the world. Successful editions previously attracted hundreds of participants to Rome (2005), Paris (2007) and Brussels (2011).

The 4th edition of ‘NEXT STATION’ is jointly organised by UIC and JSC Russian Railways (RZD) under the patronage of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and several Russian authorities and with a number of business partners. The general theme is “NEXT STATION – Linking Railways and Society”.

The Honorary Committee of ‘NEXT STATION’ reflects the worldwide reputation of this conference and the strategic importance of the conference topics for the international railway community.

The ‘NEXT STATION’ Honorary Committee is composed of the following members:

  • Mrs. Eva Molnar, Director Transport Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE),
  • Mr. Vladimir Yakunin, President of JSC Russian Railways (RZD), Chairman of UIC,
  • Mr. Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director-General of UIC,
  • Mr. Süleyman Karaman, Director General of Turkish State Railways (TCDD), UIC Middle-East Chairman,
  • Mr. Mohamed Rabie Khlie, Director-General of Moroccan Railways (ONCF), UIC Africa Chairman,
  • Mr. Satoshi Seino, Chairman Japan Railways East (EJRC), UIC Asia-Pacific Chairman
  • Mr. Guilherme Quintella, EDLP, Brazil, UIC Latin America Chairman,
  • Mr. Robert VanderClute, AAR Senior Vice President, UIC North American Region Chairman,
  • Mr. Michael Melaniphy, President and CEO of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), USA
  • Mr. Marc Descheemaecker, Director-General of Belgian Railways (SNCB), UIC Global Passenger Forum Chairman.

The detailed programme is available at www.nextstation2013.com

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