Tuesday 24 September 2013
News from UIC Members

Iran: Dr Mohsen Pour Seyed Aghaie appointed new Vice Minister, President of Iranian Railways (RAI)

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Following the recent presidential elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran, a series of appointments have taken place at government level.

Dr Abbas Akhoondi has been appointed the new Minister for Transport, Roads and Urban Development.

Dr Mohsen Pour Seyed Aghaie has been appointed Vice Minister for Transport, Roads and Urban Development and President of Iranian Railways (RAI) from 9 September 2013. He succeeds Mr Abdol Ali Saheb Mohammadi who was also UIC’s First Vice Chairman of the Regional Assembly for the Middle-East (RAME).

Dr Mohsen Pour Seyed Aghaie, who holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Tarbiat Modarres University (TMU) in Iran, has occupied a number of high-level responsibilities in the Iranian Railway Company (RAI). Since 1991, he has successively been Director General of the Traction Department of RAI, Deputy Railway President for the Fleet, Member of the Board of RAI, Chairman of the Board and President of Iranian Passenger Trains Company RAJA, and Managing Director of the Rail Transport Section of MAPNA Company (2007-2013).

He has also been Professor at Iran’s Science and Technology University since 1999, Member of the Board of Iranian Rail Industries Association since its creation and Member of the Board of the Iranian Association of Rail Transport Engineering.

UIC expresses its warmest congratulations to Dr Mohsen Pour Seyed Aghaie for his appointment as Vice Minister and RAI President, and conveys its very best wishes to the new RAI President for a close and fruitful cooperation within the worldwide community of UIC Member railways as well as in the framework of the UIC Regional Assembly for the Middle-East.

(Source: RAI)

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