Tuesday 1 October 2013
Rail Freight

UIC will participate in InnoRail 2013 in Budapest

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The “InnoRail 2013” international conference will be held in Budapest from 28 – 30 October to discuss infrastructure and innovation in Europe. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum to exchange views between different professional fields of railway infrastructure, to discuss practical issues and to present new innovative developments, tools and methods. The conference, which will bring together infrastructure operators from Hungary and abroad, industry partners, researchers and theoretical and practical experts, will be an opportunity to discuss:

  • Trends in transport policy; strategy, regulatory environment and economic challenges of railway infrastructure development
  • Structure, construction, maintenance and operation of railway tracks
  • Interoperability, signalling and telecommunications equipment, modern control and dispatch
  • Traction power supply
  • Risks and safety

UIC will be represented by Hans Günther Kersten, Director of the UIC Rail System Department and Miklos Kopp, Director of the UIC Freight Department, who will give a joint presentation on the first day on “Safety: a barrier to interoperability?”

For the programme and further information please visit: http://www.innorail2013.org

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