Tuesday 1 October 2013
Expertise Development

Expertise Development / UIC Global Network of Railway Talents – Stakeholder Survey

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Dear colleagues,

Please take 15 minutes to support the new UIC global “Talents” initiative and participate in the stakeholder survey to identify the needs and expectations of the international railway community regarding the concept and design of the new UIC Global Network of Railway Talents.

To participate in the survey, click to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XNJHTDQ

Some background information:
Companies in the transport sector, including rail, are facing several major challenges:

  • The image problem: the transportation industry is having trouble attracting young and skilled people. Transportation executives need to make improving the sector’s image a top priority.
  • A need for more and better training: globalisation and reforming the rail transport systems create new requirements for people development. More training and learning opportunities are therefore needed and national and international agencies need to adapt their educational offerings accordingly.
  • Finding and winning the best talents: railways are now actively seeking to recruit from the younger generations as the workforce is ageing and there is a need for new staff with fresh ideas. However, the Millennial Generation has different job expectations and companies need to better understand their aspirations. Attracting more women is also a challenge. Finally, managing the knowledge transfer between generations will be increasingly important.

To respond to these challenges, the International Union of Railways aims to set up a GLOBAL NETWORK OF RAILWAY TALENTS. To define the network structure and the core functionalities of its supporting web platform, UIC wishes to engage with a wide audience of project stakeholders, in particular with future users of the platform.

We therefore invite you to answer the following survey questions which will allow the project team to set-design the network according to your needs and expectations.
Thank you in advance for your precious cooperation!

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