Tuesday 17 December 2013
High Speed Rail

Announcement of the 10th UIC Training on High Speed Systems (Paris, 26 – 31 May 2014)

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The 10th edition of the Training on High Speed Systems, basic level (THSS-1) was approved at the last Intercity and High Speed Committee and has been launched in December.

The Training will be held in the last week of May, from 26 to 31 and, in keeping with tradition, will consist of five full days of lectures completed by a technical visit.
The content of the lectures will give a global and complete overview on the High Speed world, analysing all the elements involved in a High Speed system and its implementation process.

A second level Training (THSS-2, advanced) will be also organised in Spain in March.
Detailed information can be found on the UIC website: www.uic.org/highspeed

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