Tuesday 17 December 2013
UIC Asia / High Speed

Organisation contract of the 9th World Congress on High Speed (WCHS) was signed between UIC Headquarters and East Japan Railways

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On the occasion of the General Assembly held in Paris on 12 December, the main contract for the organisation of the 9th World Congress on High Speed (WCHS) was signed between UIC Headquarters and East Japan Railways.

The contract defines the main conditions, economic, logistic, decision status and organisations.

The Congress will be held from 7 – 10 July 2015 at the Tokyo International Forum, a few metres away from Tokyo Central Station, and the main topic will be “High Speed Rail: Celebrate the past, design the future”.

One of the focuses of the Congress will be to obtain experience from the first 50 years of world high speed rail operation (the first Shinkansen service started on 1 October 1964, from Tokyo to Osaka), in order to steer the future development of high speed across the world over the next 50 years.

The contract was signed by Mr Takao Nishiyama, Director of the International Department from East Japan Railway Company, and Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General of UIC.

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