SNCF, UNIFE, UIC and the AUTOMAIN Consortium are pleased to invite you to the AUTOMAIN National Workshop at UIC Headquarters, Paris on 9 January 2014.
AUTOMAIN is a FP7 funded project aimed at increasing railway capacity in order to make a modal shift from road to rail more attractive. The project has developed a set of innovations in the field of infrastructure inspection, maintenance and planning of maintenance.
The event will give you the opportunity to be informed about the most promising inspection and maintenance measures to optimise and automate in order to reduce the required possession time by as much as 40% and to hold discussions with AUTOMAIN experts.
Workshop highlights:
- Overview of AUTOMAIN
- Highlights of the main results
- Focus on high-speed inspection
- Focus on high-speed maintenance
- Focus on planning & scheduling
- Observations and discussion about Lean Analysis in a railway environment
To register and access useful information about the venue and the event please click on the following link
Do not hesitate to circulate this information around you!
All useful information on the project is also available via the official AUTOMAIN website
For further information, please contact dekeyzer at