Tuesday 18 February 2014
High Speed Rail

Announcement of High Speed Seminar in Madrid (17 – 21 March)

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Since 2004 UIC has successfully organised the annual UIC Training Session on High Speed Systems (THSS), which has been attended by over 400 students to date. The 10th Session will be held in May 2014.

The programme includes high level content due to important contributions from speakers from around the world, and thanks to exchanges made during the session’s discussions and networking.
Consequently, this training offers students an insight into the technical, commercial and management aspects of high speed rail, with the involvement of railway companies, the supply industry and ministries, etc.

Due to the increase in demand from UIC members and from former participants to go more in-depth, UIC has decided to propose a 2nd Level Training Session.

The second edition of this “Second Level Session” will take place from 17 – 21 March 2014 in Madrid/Spain. The session will be held in English. The price is 600 euros for members of the Intercity and High Speed Committee (maximum 2 participants) instead of 1600 euros.

The training will consist of a series of theoretical sessions, the development and discussion of a practical case and technical visits integrated in the student programme.
The training is highly suitable for students having already participated in one of the previous Training Sessions, as well as anyone interested or involved in High Speed systems projects, decisions and financing, etc.

The organisation will be undertaken in close cooperation with Renfe Operadora, Adif and the Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles (the Spanish Railway Foundation).

Please find herewith the following information:

Please register at your earliest convenience by emailing bennouna@uic.org or by 3 March 2014.

For more details please do not hesitate to contact us: barron@uic.org; formacion@formacion-ffe.es (Rosa Egido from FFE); bennouna@uic.org

We are looking forward to meeting you in Madrid.

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