Tuesday 18 February 2014
News from UIC Members

Australia: Upgrade to one of Victoria’s ‘worst level crossings’ applauded

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On 12 February TrackSAFE welcomed the announcement made that day by the Victorian Coalition Government on completing the 50th level crossing upgrade in the Fix Country Crossing Program.
Aerodrome Road level crossing in Avenel, Victoria was listed last year by train drivers as one of the Top 10 worst level crossings in the state.

TrackSAFE Board Director and Australasian Railway Association (ARA) CEO Bryan Nye welcomed the announcement saying that the Victorian government’s demonstrated commitment to level crossing safety should act as a vanguard for other state governments to look towards.

“I am very pleased, and relieved, to hear that the Aerodrome Road crossing has been upgraded, as this is a level crossing that has had many near collisions and is one of most concern amongst train drivers,” said Mr Nye.

“There are thousands of near collisions between vehicles and trains at level crossing every year and each one is just seconds’ way from becoming a potential disaster.
“Level crossing safety remains one of the rail industry’s highest safety priorities, this is partly why TrackSAFE was established in March 2012, to try to do more to address the ongoing issue of level crossing safety,” he said.

In 2013 TrackSAFE went out to train drivers to ask them which level crossing they thought were the worst in each State and Aerodrome Road, Avenel was named in the Top 10 for Victoria. Most level crossings made the list due to records of near collisions, heavy vehicle frequency and sighting distance.

“Primarily TrackSAFE carries out education and awareness campaigns to highlight safety issues, to have practical support in the engineering space from government can only further help our cause,” Mr Nye concluded.
A further 10 level crossings will be upgraded throughout 2014. For more information on other TrackSAFE initiatives visit www.tracksafefoundation.com.au.

(Source: TrackSAFE)

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