Tuesday 18 February 2014
Heritage and Tourist Railways

Fedecrail becomes Representative Body of the European Railway Agency

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FEDECRAIL (European Federation of Museum and Tourist Railways), in accordance with the amendments and decisions of new EU railway regulations and directives, has been added to the list of European trade organisations of the railway sector. The Federation has obtained the important status of “Representative Body”, which means an advisory vote in ERA (European Railway Agency). The main task of ERA is the strengthening and interoperability of railway traffic in Europe. FEDECRAIL was granted this status in January 2014 by the European Commission to the Railway Safety and Interoperability Committee in Brussels.

The status of “Representative Body” means that FEDECRAIL must be consulted by ERA when changes or new directives or regulations are discussed. FEDECRAIL first contacted ERA (based in Valenciennes, France) last May. Its “Heritage Operation Group” then prepared and submitted the application in September to be able to send a representative to ERA in order to fulfil an advisory role. Since its admission FEDECRAIL is no longer confronted by new regulations but is able to contribute to the development of new regulations. At present the most pressing problems are, amongst others, the ETCS safety system, train driving licences and the network admission for trips with vintage trains. The interests of the mainly small and volunteer operated museum railways, which operate only in a restricted area and time space, have up to now submerged in the Europe wide liberalisation of the railways.

However, this may change with the participation of FEDECRAIL. The new status is a most joyful start to the 20th anniversary of FEDECRAIL in 2014. Over the past two decades the Federation has supported the railway heritage of railways in Europe, fostered cooperation between railway organisations and represented the interests of its members on an international basis, with particular reference to the potential impact of regulations and directives of the European Union and any other supra-national bodies on their activities.

More information may be found at www.fedecrail.org

For further information please contact Livius J. Kooy, Secretary, Fedecrail: kooy@fedecrail.org

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