Tuesday 18 February 2014
Passengers / Railway Stations

Station Manager Global Group (SMGG) in Bologna (11 February 2014)

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SMGG met in Bologna on 11 February 2014.

SMGG is the UIC group dedicated to stations. It comprises station managers of the UIC members.
UIC members represented in that meeting were: RFI, the host of the meeting, SNCF, DB, RZD, NS, ADIF and Chinese Railways.
UIC Headquarters was represented by Iñaki Barrón (Director of the Passenger Department) and Marc Guigon (Senior Advisor for Passenger Transport).

The main points which were discussed in the SMGG meeting were:

  • Review of the Next Station conference which was organised by UIC and RZD on 17 and 18 October 2013. Following a round table composed of high-level persons, 47 speakers delivered their know-how in eight sessions in front of 350 participants. The proceedings (presentations) will be available to the public six months after the end of the conference
  • Classification of stations: the objective is to publish a leaflet to describe and create an initial classification of railway stations in the world, according to some measurable criteria
  • The leaflet concerning signage in stations will be updated and extended at global level
  • A benchmark concerning the governance of stations will begin with the input of members
  • As announced by Mr Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General, during the end of the Next Station conference, an observatory for rail stations will be developed with data and information from the members

RFI organised visits to railway stations:

  • New and historical station of Bologna
  • Station Reggio Emilia which is located on the high speed line between Milan and Bologna. This station was designed by the famous architect Mr Santiago Calatrava
  • Operations centre in Bologna

The next SMGG meeting will take place at the beginning of June 2014 in Madrid.

For further information please contact Marc Guigon: guigon@uic.org

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