Tuesday 29 April 2014
Expertise Development / International Training

SIAFI 2014: First session (Interactive Sessions on International Rail Business)

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The first session of SIAFI 2014, which took place at UIC headquarters, Paris from 14 – 18 April, was attended by participants from ten different nationalities and companies, thus covering virtually all sectors of railway activity. The varied backgrounds and competences of the SIAFI audience, together with the experience of participants, favoured rich and fruitful exchanges, debates and discussion.

Throughout the week, the attendees took part in extensive networking activities and exchange of information and practices.

The week was divided into different activities: presentations and discussions around topical subjects for the railways (future of railway passenger, standardisation & interfaces, developments in the international rail legal framework,...), project management and team work, business model innovation workshops, sessions of sharing of information between the attendees, technical visit of a railway station, social events.

Other railway topics (sustainable development, freight, safety, research...) will be covered during the second SIAFI session in autumn (22 – 26 September), thus giving the participants an overview of main railway ventures at the international level.
The networking activities and cross-cultural learning experience through the team work conducted throughout the week concluded with a formal half-day session on the intercultural dimension in the management of international projects.

The topics eventually selected by participants are as follows:

  1. Railway station in 2024,
  2. Connected mobility,
  3. Intelligent Rail Infrastructure,
  4. Smart Rail Freight services

The four constituted project teams will continue working between the two sessions, with coaching web conferences led by UIC and external consultancy, as well as active support from university professors from Newcastle (Newrail), St Pölten UAS: Centre of Competence in Railway Infrastructure and Transport, “Politechnica” University of Bucharest, Sapienza universita di Roma.

Results of the project work will be delivered by the four teams in the second SIAFI week, in September.

For further information please contact Nathalie Amirault, Head of Unit-Expertise Development: amirault@uic.org
Or consult the website at http://www.uic.org/siafi/

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Technical visit at St Lazare Station
The varied backgrounds, competences and cultures of the audience foster a truly global learning experience for the attendees of the SIAFI 2014 edition
Sharing of information in front of the informational material related to each participating company