Wednesday 30 April 2014

Secondees at UIC

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Since 2010, UIC has initiated an ambitious policy towards the secondment of talents from its member railways to its headquarters in Paris. The Asia-Pacific region is at the forefront in this area and represents an important potential of experts of all ages.

The secondees, who usually stay for up to three years, bring their global expertise to UIC, and in turn develop their international competencies for their home network.

Below, the secondees from the Asia-Pacific region with, from left to right:

Mr KWON Ki-dong, KORAIL seconded to the UIC Passenger Department, Mr Oleg NIKOLAÏEV, RZD seconded to the Rail System Department, Mr Kong Qi, Chinese Railways formerly seconded to the Passenger Department, Mr MYOJO Shuichi, RTRI seconded for training matters, Mr HONO Yoshihiro, representative of the chairman of the region; and last but not least, Mr Roman REBETS, RZD seconded to the Freight Department, and Mr CHOI Sunghoon, KRRI seconded to Research.

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From left to right: Mr KWON Ki-Dong, KORAIL, UIC Passenger & High Speed Department, Mr Oleg NIKOLAEV, RZD, UIC Rail System Department, Mr KONG Qi, CR, UIC Passenger & High Speed Department, Mr MYOJO Shuichi, RTRI, Fundamental Values Department, dedicated to training activities, Mr HONO Yoshihiro, JR East, UIC Institutional Relations Department
Roman REBETS, RZD, dedicated to Freight activities
Mr CHOI Sung-Hoon, KRRI, Research Adviser