Tuesday 6 May 2014
Level Crossings

Estonia: Minister of Internal Affairs recognised promoters of public railway safety

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Isabelle Fonverne, Projects Officer for Interoperability and Safety at UIC and Coordinator of the International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) was awarded with OLE’s honorary medal to recognize her input in promoting public level crossing safety and Operation Lifesaver Estonia’s (OLE) activities worldwide.
She is only the second person outside Estonia to have ever received this medal, the first having been awarded to Mr Dan Di Tota (former OL Canada) in 2010.

The Medal was presented to Ms Fonverne by Mr Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Internal Affairs in Estonia.

More information in the press release below:

Minister of Internal Affairs recognised promoters of public railway safety
Today took place the “Golden Level Crossing Gates” award ceremony where organisations and private persons promoting railway safety were recognised with honorary medals and letters of appreciation that were handed over by Mr Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Internal Affairs. The “Golden Level Crossing Gates” award went to the Harju County Department of the Estonian Health Promotion Society.

Minister of Internal Affairs Hanno Pevkur stressed that it is logical that people make their choices based on prior experience and knowledge and for that reason the continuous reminding of safe behaviour rules is the best measure for shaping safe behavioural patterns. “It is worth reminding that people’s values are established through the common efforts of various parties. I am very glad that Operation Lifesaver Estonia (OLE) has been able to involve in its systematic activities volunteers, different public agencies and responsible railway undertakings. I am sure that the awareness of people regarding the dangers present on the railway has improved considerably as a result of their joint efforts.”
This year the “Golden Level Crossing Gates” award was given to the volunteers, who have been involved in the various projects of OLE and given their significant input in communicating railway safety knowledge all around Estonia, explained Chairman of OLE Management Board Tamo Vahemets while presenting the statue made by Saaremaa Smiths to the Harju County Department of the Estonian Health Promotion Society.

Honorary medals for the professional activities in the area of railway safety were presented to:

  • Maris Orgusaar – Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, Southern Police Prefecture, Criminal Police Officer, volunteer
  • Isabelle Fonverne – International Union of Railways (UIC), Projects Officer Interoperability and Safety, Coordinator of ILCAD (France)
  • Svetlana Safronova – Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, Eastern Police Prefecture, Youth Police Officer, volunteer
  • Tõnu Aruste – Estonian Railways, Instructor-Locomotive Driver
  • Viktor Teska – Edelaraudtee Infrastruktuuri AS, Development Specialist

The “Best Presenter 2014” award went to Tiina Kiik, Youth Police Officer of the Southern Police Prefecture of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board. Around 40 letters of recognition were presented to both private persons and organisations.

Tamo Vahemets said: “During the last 10 years the number of railway accidents has shown a declining trend, which indicates that the awareness of the general public is improving on an annual basis and the traffic culture is getting better as well. I believe that an effective cooperation network would help us in achieving our overall objective – no fatalities on railways.”

In the previous years the “Golden Level Crossing Gates” award has been presented to the Tallinn City Government, Liivika Juksaar, Kristiine Shopping Mall, Tarmo Miilits, Western Estonia Rescue Centre, Järvamaa Rescue Department, Andrei Sozinov, Marek Lindmaa and JCDecaux Eesti OÜ.

Operation Lifesaver is a non-profit, ongoing international public education and awareness program first established in 1972 in the USA, in 1981 in Canada dedicated to ending tragic collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and on railroad rights of way.

On November 19, 2004 AS Eesti Raudtee (Estonian Raylway Ltd), Tamo Vahemets and Urve Miidla founded non-profit organization “Operation Lifesaver Estonia” (OLE) following the principles accepted by Operation Lifesaver Inc. OLE was funded at the initiative of AS Eesti Raudtee (Estonian Railways) with the mission to considerably increase public awareness about dangers involved in railway traffic and lawful behaviour on railways, with the purpose to reduce the number of railway accidents and people killed and injured in such accidents. OLE’s members are AS Eesti Raudtee, AS EVR Cargo, Edelaraudtee Infrastruktuuri AS and AS GoRail.

About OLE: http://ole.ee

About OLE’s honorary medal: http://ole.ee/statute-of-the-honorary-medal/

And read: http://ole.ee/2014/04/press-release-29-april-2014-minister-of-internal-affairs-recognises-promoters-of-public-railway-safety/

For more information, please contact: ole@ole.ee

Visit OLE’s Christmas 2013 campaign “Let the train pass”

http://ole.ee/2013/12/christmas-campaign-2013/ and watch video


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From left to right: Estonian Minister of Interior Affairs, Mr Hanno Pevkur Isabelle Fonverne (UIC), Tamo Vahemets, Chairman of OLE Management Board
02. New EVR passenger trains, Tallinn, Estonia
03. Some of OLE’s level crossing safety billboards in the City of Tallinn. “ Lase Rong Läbi !” or “Let the train pass!”
“Punane on Punane!”: “Red is red!“