Tuesday 29 July 2014
News from UIC Members

Finland: Dedicated Visionaries – future transport will be tailored to your needs

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How would it feel if you were not stuck behind the wheel on your way to work? What if transport were more environmentally friendly, smooth and efficient than it is today? What if all this were true in the next 10 years?

“Intelligent transport, ecology and crowdsourcing are some of the emerging trends in mobility,” say the Dedicated Visionaries.

The work of the Dedicated Visionaries, a Finnish Transport Agency multi-disciplinary team of student visionaries, is nearing its end. The outcome of the efforts of five students is a vision of how Finland will move about in 2025. It involves three scenarios describing the transformation of commercial transport, changes in attitudes and technological evolution.

For the vision and the three scenarios, see A-Sanomat (issuu.com)

The visionaries can now reveal the key ingredients of their vision.

Intelligent transport

In 2025, intelligent transport will benefit Finns in a number of ways, the visionaries suggest.

“Real-time applications for route planning, weather and shared rides will be based on user data. They can make a massive difference to mobility, making transport smoother and shortening waiting times and the time spent on transport,” says visionary Ilkka Kotilainen.

The visionaries think that technological development will improve transport safety.
“New technologies will reduce the risk of human error and allow more people to enjoy freedom of mobility. For example, if your health has deteriorated with old age, you can still move about independently because your hands are not needed for driving anymore,” explains Kalle Lehtinen, one of the visionaries.

Transport as a service

According to the visionaries, Finnish transport should be considered more like a service in the future.

“People have different travel needs. Emphasising the service aspect of transport will improve the current public transport provision and help meet individual needs,” says visionary Liisa Kauppila.

“With service improvements, the need for owning a private car will become less pressing, and transport costs will be cut without limiting freedom,” says Konstantin Nikkari excitedly.

Caring for the environment

Along with smooth transport, the scenarios focus strongly on environmental values.
“Harmful environmental impacts will be reduced by the changes in traffic volumes and modes of transport, especially when technology supports this positive environmental development. As mobility choices, public transport and cycling will become more attractive, and the smaller number of private cars still on the roads will run much more cleanly,” Samuli Puroila describes his vision.

Background to the research and vision

The visionaries’ scenarios are based on a Delphi panel of 40 experts from a range of social sectors. The scenarios also represent the visionaries’ own values, according to which future mobility must make possible a good life everywhere in Finland, and transport must be ecological and boost Finland’s international status.
The visionaries emphasise that their scenarios are not predictions, nor ready-made policy recommendations. Their purpose is to offer people an opportunity to look into the future and see how changes in mobility could affect the lives of ordinary people.

(Source: Finish Transport Agency, FTA)

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